Pedro Duque: the virtuous circle between science and innovation in the presentation of ACERCA in Ottawa

Pedro Duque: the virtuous circle between science and innovation in the presentation of ACERCA in Ottawa

Join us for the official presentation in Ottawa of ACERCA – CASSA (Asociación de Científicos Españoles Residentes en Canadá Canadian-Spanish Scientists Association) with a conference by Pedro Duque, Spanish astronaut and former Minister of Science & Innovation of Spain.

Following the presentations of the association in Toronto in 2022 and Vancouver in 2023, ACERCA is now making its mark in Ottawa. The event will unveil the Horizon Research and Innovation Funding Program, a collaborative initiative involving Canada and the European Union, which will also serve as a platform for professional networking for Spanish scientists and researchers in Canada. The presence of several Canadian authorities has been confirmed.


ACERCA – CASSA aims to:

  • establish itself as a robust professional network for Spanish scientists, researchers, and research fund managers residing in Canada.
  • facilitate the seamless integration, both professionally and personally, of Spanish scientists, researchers, and research fund managers into the Canadian landscape.
  • foster and promote professional relationships among members of the Spanish and Canadian scientific communities, as well as the institutions to which they belong.
  • enhance communication channels between foundations, universities, research centers, and similar institutions in Spain and Canada. Additionally, it aims to foster the integration and connection of Spanish research and science in Canada with businesses in both Spain and Canada.
  • raise awareness within Spanish society and institutions about the critical role of the R&D&I system for Spain’s development. Furthermore, it seeks to promote knowledge in Spain about the Canadian model of knowledge and science.
  • Science
  • Ottawa
  • Tue, December 12, 2023
  • 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

7 months ago


Venue map

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Seminar room W5225, Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research Critical Care Wing (5th Floor), 501 Smyth Road, Ottawa



In collaboration with The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.
